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~Promote healthy Youth Gene Clusters expression related to cellular purification and cellular energy production
~Help you feel younger and more vibrant - renewed and recharged
~Promote three dimensions of vitality that typically decline with age - physical vigor, mental acuity and sexual health
~Raise and sustain baseline energy levels
~Support the body's ability to neutralize and remove cellular waste and toxic byproducts
~Help protect and fortify cells against damage from external toxins by improving the body's own protective mechanisms
~Help restore normal cellular function

Supplement R2

SKU: 0003
    • Taken in the evening, ageLOC® R2 Night optimizes each cell’s natural renewal process, helping you to start each day feeling refreshed and renewed;
    • Taken in the morning, ageLOC® R2 Day optimizes cellular energy production to help you to recharge and take control of a new day.
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